Friday, January 19, 2007

The Beginning

So it begins. The return to college for an opportunity to earn a degree in a brand new field. That I am an "adult" is of no small import. My perspective on academics, on life, and on work will undoubtedly differ from my future classmates. How will I relate to professors accustomed to dealing with young people for whom college is a new, fresh experience? How will I relate to classmates who have just begun to experience a life that for me is more than half complete? Do I have the ability to compete, no excel, in an environment that I last knew more than twenty-five years ago?

All the questions will answered, hopefully to my liking. There will be challenges, setbacks, small victories, and opportunities to experience things that I was perhaps not capable of appreciating as a callow youth. It is almost as if I have been given a second chance. Now to take advantage!